I Won´t Send Roses

Record:                   CD, Ross Mitchell – Gold Latin – Track 22

Choreographer:      Schmidt

Rhythm/Phase:       R, III

Speed:                    45


Sequence:   INTRO   A B C D    A B C D   TAG                                                         M


INTRO            (FCG No Hands)   Wait 2;;  Time Step Twice to BFLY;;


PART A         (0:09/1:20) New Yorker;   Crab Walks;;   Spot Turn;

                        Crab Walks Rev;;   Spot Turn Twice;;


PART B         (0:27/1:38) Hand to Hand Twice;;   Back Break to OP;   Prog Walk 3;

Slide The Door both Ways;;   Circle in 6;;


PART C         (0:45/1:56) Traveling Doors;;   Cucaracha Twice;;

                        Twirl Vine 3 & Rev;;   Fence Line Twice;;


PART D         (1:02/2:13) Time Step Twice;;   Full Basic;;  

                         Shoulder To Shoulder Twice;;   Spot Turn Twice;;  


TAG                Apart & Point;